Saturday, February 11, 2006

Violin, Banjo at Park St .

Originally uploaded by SonicGrass.
I've seen these fellows a couple of times now. They play old time music, do a good job and seem to pull in a good bit of cash. The banjo player had to put his foot on the money to keep it from flying away as the train came in.

The first time I seen them a Large fellow who I've seen heckle quite a few subway musicians. He was shuffling aroung being intimidating, and making statements like "No f*&@$ing Yodeling". The banjo player stepped forward and got in the heckler's face and told him to get the f*&k out or he would call the police. The Heckler argued his case, Banjo player went to get the Police. The Heckler stepped on the next train and left.

I've seen this fellow Heckle a few subway musicians and this was the first time I had seen someone stand up to him.

I guess if you got the guts to play a banjo, your ready for about anything.

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